CH. UCDX OTCH Breakout For My Eyes Only UDX, OA, OAJ ("Chloe"): Border Collie
Chloe was also sired by Betsy's Border Collie Jinx. Chloe and Neo are littermates and both have followed in their father's footsteps. Chloe finished her conformation Championship at the age of three, making her the third of Jinx's puppies to do so. The same day that she finished her Championship she got a High In Trial in the Novice class! Chloe went on to earn titles in both Agility and Obedience. She took 2nd place in Open in 2005 at the All Star competition and earned her OTCH in April of 2007. In January of 2008 Chloe took a break from trialing to whelp a litter of eight beautiful puppies. Then back into the obedience ring in May of 2009 where Chloe earned a perfect score of 200 at the Pennjy Obedience Club trial!
Neo and Chloe tied with 199's and had a run off in Open B |
Chloe - August 2005 |
Chloe whelped a litter of eight beautiful pups on January 8, 2008 My how they have grown into beautiful working dogs!
Two Weeks Old
Two Years Old
Breakout Mazel Tov of Kelev "Mazzie" lives in northern NJ with Vivian Bregman and her husband. Vivian's friend calls her Pepe Le Pew because he says that her face markings make her look like a skunk! Mazzie lives with Vivian's two other Border Collies and Mazzie spends most of her time arguing with Ms Sugah, and trying to steal Goniff's food. She has big shoes to fill as she follows in her pack mates footsteps. She is off to a good start though because Mazzie completed her ASCA CD in March and will be on to UKC and AKC this summer.
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| Breakout Follow That Dream "Kim" lives with Cindy Schmitt and her husband Joe, along with their two other Border Collies, Dream and Jill, seven cats and a flock of sheep. It has taken awhile for Kim to "grow up" but now that she has her training is moving along nicely. She loves to work sheep and run agility, She is already working on her aglitiy titles. In her spare time, Kim runs with Dream and Jill in the woods and in the summer the BC's can be found in the pool almost everyday.
Photo by Barry Rosen |
Breakout Black Magic Woman "Jypsy" moved to central Pennsylvania with Lana Kline and her husband. Jypsy lives with two other Border Collies and two terrier mixes. Lana reports that Jypsy is a very high drive, high energy girl that has the perfect mix of spunk and sweetness. Lana wanted Jypsy's AKC name to honor her grandfather "Jinx" (CH OTCH Sheepy Hollow's Black Magic UDX3, PT, MX, MXJ) and when Lana found out that her favorite band, Fleetwood Mac, were the original producers of the song "Black Magic Woman" the choice was easy! Jypsy earned her Rally Novice title in March 2010 and you can look for Lana and Jypsy's obedience debut sometime later in the year!
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Breakout Rev Em Up "Rev" stayed with his mom Chloe, Uncle Neo and the rest of the Scapicchio pack. Betsy says that Rev never gets tired of training and always is ready to do more! What a perfect pup for Betsy who also never gets tired of training! Watch for Rev in obedience, and since he is such a good jumper maybe even a little agility down the road.
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"Tassie" is often seen in the office and around the building at Top Dog because she went to live with Anita Zack, our Pet Instructor and Office Manager. Tassie joins Anita's pack of Samoyeds. Anita says that Tassie really just loves being a dog and playing doggie games. Her favorite pastime is curling up with the Samoyeds!
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| Breakout Little Rascal “PD” lives with Sue Bricker and Susan Duchan, in Warren, NJ, with their 3 other dogs (Max, Sydney, & Ohno). She quickly took control of the three older boys and now rules them, not by force, but by ‘woohooing’ until they give up the toy or bone that she wants. PD is, currently, training with Sue in Obedience and Agility and has already started her competition agility ‘career’ with wonderful speed, enthusiasm, and success. Sue reports that PD is a joy to train, play, and live with and can't thank Betsy enough for such a wonderful dog!
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"Kensie" also stayed close to the Top Dog family and went to live with our agility instructor, Diane Goodspeed. Kensie joins Diane's Sheltie "Demon" and her Border Collie aunt MACH Kayla who is Jinx's daughter. Diane and young Kensie are just starting their competitive career in agility. We know we'll be hearing great things about this team!
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| "Damon" went to live with our assistant instructor Lorna McGinlay, her husband Tom and Emma, a Standard Poodle. Damon completed his CD in style in January 2010 with three first places! Lorna tells us that Damons likes to wake her at 6:30am every day just to be sure that his is always the first face she sees in the morning! He then shadows her throughout the day wherever she goes in the house. Damon loves to train in his obedience exercises, particularly jumping. Lorna says that one of Damon's favorite pastimes is stick retrieving in the lake or river. He also loves to keep their back yard deer and squirrel free.
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